From Storytelling to Strategy: My Journey From Adoption Advocacy to Content Development and Strategy

I started writing about my experiences as an adopted person over 10 years ago. My goal was for people to become more informed and critical about adoption (a.k.a. family separation) and how it impacts individuals, families, and communities. 

I started writing because I had something to say, not because I loved writing. My dream was never to be a writer - I just kept saying “yes” to writing and speaking opportunities! One of my highlights is being featured on the BBC’s The Comb podcast about my perspective on Ethiopian adoption, you can listen here.

Fast-forward to today, my work has been published in 3 books, I’ve helped grow an emerging community of Ethiopian adoptees worldwide, and I write and build content strategies for a living. I love my work and I’ve become very passionate about helping businesses of all sizes increase brand visibility, drive traffic, and boost conversions through strategic content delivery.

Besides work, I love all things arts and culture, moving my body, and exploring new countries with my son.